
Does submission really mean slavery?

by Priscilla Taiwo Many thoughts flashed through my mind when I saw the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD): “Embrace Equity“. It seemed like a calling further and beyond my fight for gender equality. It seemed more right and just. Back to my thoughts, I remembered as a little girl, I was young and quite sheltered but open to the opportunities that the world would give me. As...

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Equitable practices in African societies

Are you a woman or man faced with questions about your worth in society? Do you perhaps observe a lack of opportunities due to your gender, age, social status, or even religion? Have you faced discrimination at home, work, school or elsewhere? The theme for the International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023 is: “Embrace Equity”. This implies that EVERYONE should get an equal chance at life’s opportunities without being denied by...

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AFFIRM Shero: Dr. Getrude Gwenzi

Our AFFIRM Shero series continues with Dr. Getrude Gwenzi (popularly known as “GG”) as she narrates her JOURNEY OF TWISTS AND TURNS. Enjoy her story, engage with it and add your thoughts in the comments below. I remember the first feeling I got when I submitted my Ph.D. thesis – an intense craving for a bed so that I could catch up on some sleep. I had spent several sleepless...

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Reflections, highlights and lessons

In this blog post, Priscilla and Zibah reflect on the highlights, achievements and lessons learnt from some of our work at AFFIRM this year. At the start of the year, after extensive discussions, we decided to set up a calendar and document each decision, activity and event that would be made throughout the year. We were convinced that during this year-end reflection, we would be amazed and encouraged by how...

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Beautiful but not so intelligent

by Phebean Taiwo My name is Phebean Taiwo and I would like to share the journey of discovering the confident me. At a very young age, I battled with low self-esteem, even though I didn’t know what it was at the time.  A young girl between the ages of 7-9, will not understand why she has to go through certain challenges. This was me. Since I started nursery school, I...

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AFFIRM Shero: Ramatu Umar Bako

This month is the start of a new series known as AFFIRM Shero – an opportunity to honour and celebrate female role models who have made significant progress in their personal development and are a positive influence on the younger generation. An AFFIRM Shero is someone who, despite the challenges of societal expectations and barriers, is courageous enough to choose her field and walk her own path. This blog post...

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Her Time, Her Rights, Her Future

Today, 11th October 2022, is the International Day of the Girl Child. Decades ago, girls had few rights in society and vague futures to look forward to. As time passed and with the advancement of women’s rights, it became clear that girls deserve equal chances in life as boys. We now know that the girl child should have the same rights to education, a successful future, a lifetime free from...

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The journey to finding my unique Voice

by Precious Taiwo What you are about to read is of a lady who is still becoming… A lady who is still exploring, trying to own myself and finding my unique Voice.  The last few months, a change came to my life as I finally started exploring a career in the Voice-Over industry. Amongst the many blessings this year brought, this is the best thing that happened to me –...

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You are more than your body

by Reina Ameenat Lasisi Content Warning: This post includes references to body shaming, mental illness, physical and emotional abuse. If you are concerned about or wish to discuss any of these issues in confidence, please contact Zibah. People’s unsolicited advice about our bodies, will never not amuse me and also anger me. The world seems to have come together and agreed that a particular body type is the best. It...

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Building your brand on social media

If you are a business owner, media celebrity, author, craftsman, or you’re involved in a certain industry or expertise, one of the best ways to advertise yourself is on social media. You may have heard statements like “Social media is the new market”, or realised that most people now use social media for communication, entertainment, news, and shopping. Nowadays, if you own or manage an enterprise, venture, personal or professional...

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